
首頁 > 出版品 > 研究彙報 > 研究彙報英文摘要版 > 花蓮區研究彙報第 5 輯 1989 年 05 月

花蓮區研究彙報第 5 輯 1989 年 05 月


Volatile flavour compounds of scented rice.pdf
Development of soybean variety Hualien no.2pdf
Study on the relationship between carbohydrate supply and demand at differnet nodes soybean plant.pdf
Studies on the flowering and pollination habits of genus glycine.pdf
Studies on the effects of growth and development of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) by iron deficiency.pdf
Effects of sulfur on peanut chlorosis caused by iron dificiency and its difference among varieties.pdf
The propagation of edible daylily (Hemerocallis fulva L.) by tissue culture.pdf
Studies on the maturity indices of hami-gua melonpdf