
首頁 > 出版品 > 研究彙報 > 研究彙報英文摘要版 > 花蓮區研究彙報第 7 輯 1991 年 05 月

花蓮區研究彙報第 7 輯 1991 年 05 月


Development of new aromatic rice varety taikeng no.4.pdf
Studies on plating time of rice for single cropping culture in Lan-Yan area.pdf
Improvement of soil productivity for low-yielding paddy field in L-Lan area.pdf
Study on plant growth regulator for promoting soybean productvity.pdf
Study on the behavior of leaves senescence in soybean.pdf
Relationship between precipitation and timing application of fungicide for control of soybean purple seed stain.pdf
Effect of cold storage on shoot emergence and flowering of asiatic lilies.pdf
Studies on the maturity indices of Siao-Yu water melon.pdf
Sutdies on alleviation of iron chlorosis in chinese leek by means of changing soil environments.pdf
A newly developed fresh market tomato cultivar-Hualien AVRDC no.5.pdf
Control of beet armyworm with entomopathogenic fungi-metarhizium anisopliae.pdf
Effects of humic acids and organic manure on the growth and long-term cropping of green onionpdf