
Home > News > Grasping the trend of the post-epidemic era, HDARES creates a paradise for indigenous crop conservation

Grasping the trend of the post-epidemic era, HDARES creates a paradise for indigenous crop conservation

No.: 1111201

Seed conservation is a long-term work carried out by the HDARES. It collects and conserves the seeds of important crops in the area, such as rice, daylilies, and bitter melon, etc., and breeds a number of indigenous characteristic crops, such as red glutinous rice - rice Hualien No.22, bitter gourd - Hualien No.1~7...etc. At present, the direction of seed conservation is mainly focused on two types of unique vegetables and beans. This year, the HDARES will strengthen the analysis and application of functional efficacy of indigenous crops, and use the climate adjustment and resilience of indigenous crops to create a paradise for indigenous crop conservation.

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