
Home > News > The first "two harvests a year" and "two fruits per plant" production mode, the HDARES broke through the bottleneck in the production of characteristic cantaloupe in Yilan

The first "two harvests a year" and "two fruits per plant" production mode, the HDARES broke through the bottleneck in the production of characteristic cantaloupe in Yilan

The HDARES counseled Yilan young farmer Chen Wenzheng to try to grow new varieties of cantaloupe, and successfully created the "two harvests a year" and "two fruits per plant" high-yield models, which not only improved production bottlenecks, but also improved the quality and created different opportunities. Thus it became possible to cooperate with Matthew's Choice, a boutique yogurt brand, to launch cantaloupe puree yogurt drinks, which are sold in limited quantities in outlets across Taiwan. The company and government work together to promote high-quality agricultural production and sales, and realize "farmers' pricing" to reverse market rules.

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