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首頁 > 出版品 > 研究彙報 > 研究彙報英文摘要版 > 花蓮區研究彙報第 40 輯 2022 年 12 月

花蓮區研究彙報第 40 輯 2022 年 12 月



Field Trials of Induced Disease Resistance Materials on Control of Rice Blast Disease and Bacterial Leaf BlightPDF

Psychological and Physiological Benefits to Rocky Leaf Prints ActivitiyPDF

A Study of the Relationships among Participation Motivation, Course Satisfaction, Loyalty of Tribal Mobile Classroom by StudentsPDF

Effect of Horticultural Activities on the Mood and Physical–Mental Wellbeing of Rural-area Older Adults: A Case Study of the Greencare Station in Shoufeng, HualienPDF

Risks of Farming for Young Adults-A Case of Farmers in Yilan and Hualien RegionsPDF

Development of Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) on Three Different Artificial Diets and Controlling Effect with Chemical-free PesticidesPDF

Effects of Storage Temperature and Duration on the Carbohydrate Content of Lily BulbsPDF
