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首頁 > 出版品 > 研究彙報 > 研究彙報英文摘要版 > 花蓮區研究彙報第 3 輯 1987 年 04 月

花蓮區研究彙報第 3 輯 1987 年 04 月


Study of the environmental effects on rice quality.pdf
Studies on the adjustment of utilization for paddy field with low productivity in Hualien area (I) study on the adjustment of utpdf
Studies on the adjustment of utilization for paddy field with low productivity in Hualien area (II) improving the utilization ofpdf
Influence of planting dates and densities on soybean production in Hualien area.pdf
Effect of polyethylene mulching culture on peanut productionpdf
Studies on the effect of seedling raising methods on strawberry production.pdf
Effect of different varieties, sowing densities and lightening on the yield of radish sprout.pdf
Influence of cement dust from cement factory on the growth, yield nd quality of vegetables.pdf
Study of nitrogen and organic matter application on grain yield and quality of rice.pdf
Methods and sources of applied manganese on converted low-manganese paddy field for soybeans.pdf
Studies on the strengthening agricultural tv programs and imporving it's teaching methodpdf
