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首頁 > 出版品 > 研究彙報 > 研究彙報英文摘要版 > 花蓮區研究彙報第 9 輯 1993 年 05 月

花蓮區研究彙報第 9 輯 1993 年 05 月


Association of leaf photosynthesis at reproductive growth stages with yield in soybean progenies (II).pdf
Studies on the usage and development of genetic resources of native Taiwan lilies.pdf
Development of a vertical fertilization applicator for fruit orchard.pdf
The investigation of ecology on the Hsiukuluan river and prevention studies on the damage of rice from wild ducks.pdf
Studies on the causes of abnormal growth of peanut in acid soilspdf
Improvement of fertilizer applications on tun-kan fruit in I-Lan district.pdf
Effect of nitrogen application on yield and quality of rice with different ratoon treatments.pdf
Studieds on ethrel induced fruit and leaf abscission of kumquat (Fortunella margarita (L.) swingle).pdf
Study on taiwan aboriginal women's attitudes toward living and their children's education and cultivation.pdf
Study on predicting the rice growth duration using thermo unit accumulation.pdf
Effect of calcium and silicon fertilizers on quality change of sweet pepper during storagepdf
