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首頁 > 出版品 > 研究彙報 > 研究彙報英文摘要版 > 花蓮區研究彙報第 18 輯 2000 年 06 月

花蓮區研究彙報第 18 輯 2000 年 06 月


Development of a New Wax Gourd (Benincasa hispida Cogn.) Cultivar 'Hualien No.1' (Chi-fon)pdf
Effect of Storage Temperature and Packaging on Quality of Flower Buds of Edible Day Lilypdf
Effect of defoliation chemicals on leaf-fall and flower buds abscission of cat tail willow pdf
Effect of Growth Regulators on the Growth and Flower Quality of Dendrobiumpdf
Study on Flowers Production and Marketing Group of Husband and Wife as the Division of Labor and Women Taking Part in the Agricupdf
Effects of Microbiofertilizers on the Growth and Yield of Seedless Watermelonpdf
Effect of Irrigation at Different Growth Stages on Quality and Yield of Wentan Pomelopdf
